Hubbl Streaming and Account Customer Terms
Effective 14 February 2024

Information about these Terms

  1. Hubbl Pty Limited (ACN 072 725 289) (Hubbl, we or our), is the supplier of the following entertainment products and services made available in Australia from time to time:
    • content streaming services (each a Streaming Service);
    • billing of various third-party streaming services and content (each a Third Party Service); and
    • account management, and billing services provided through a customer account (a Hubbl Account).
  2. Users of a Streaming Service or Hubbl Account (users or you) agree to be bound by these terms and conditions (Terms). These Terms apply to each Streaming Service you subscribe to, each Third Party Service you acquire through your Hubbl Account, and/or your use of a Hubbl Account. Your use of, and access to, such services indicate your acceptance of these Terms (and any changes to them).
  3. The Terms are divided into the following separate sections, some of which only apply where relevant:
    1. General terms
    2. Schedule 1: Streaming Service Terms


  1. We can change these Terms or any of our services immediately without telling you if we reasonably consider that the change is likely to benefit you or have a neutral impact on you.
  2. These Terms, the subscription fee of a Streaming Service or of a Third Party Service which we bill as principal, and the terms of the Hubbl “Stack and Save” entitlement (including eligibility rules and eligible apps) (Stack and Save) are subject to change by Hubbl. Where any of these changes have a detrimental impact to you, we will give you at least one month’s notice prior to the change, so you may cancel your relevant service(s) before the change takes effect.  If any change is: (a) due to circumstances outside of our reasonable control such as changes in law (including changes to taxes); or (b) due to changes to agreements with our suppliers (including new charges or increases to charges imposed on us); or (c) for urgent operational, technical, security or protection of network integrity reasons; then we will give you as much prior notice as is reasonably practicable in the circumstances, which may be less than one month.
  3. You acknowledge that the Streaming Services, including content that you may have access to via a Streaming Service, are updated regularly and may change from time to time. Third Party Services that we bill via the Hubbl Account may change from time to time.

Setting up a Hubbl Account

  1. To use a Streaming Service or earn Stack and Save entitlements, you must have a Hubbl Account.
  2. To create a Hubbl Account you must be over 18 years old. We will require you to provide certain information, such as your email address, mobile number, password and postcode.  You will provide us with proof of your identity if we reasonably ask you to do so from time to time.
  3. You are solely responsible and liable for activity that occurs on your Hubbl Account.
  4. You must not permit another person (other than a member of your household) to use your Hubbl Account.
  5. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and Hubbl Account details. If you permit another member of your household to use your Hubbl Account details and password they must agree to keep it confidential. If you know or suspect that your password has been compromised, or you suspect or become aware of any other breach of security, you must tell us immediately. In these circumstances, you must also ensure that your password is changed as soon as possible. If we reasonably believe that there has been, or is likely to be, a breach of security of your password, we may block or reset your password and require you to reset your password.

Streaming Services

  1. To subscribe to a Plan of a Streaming Service or purchase a TVOD entitlement (in each case as defined in Schedule 1) you must be at least 18 years old and you must register or hold a Hubbl Account linked to a valid Australian credit card with a billing address in Australia or agree to third party billing with one of our authorised third party billing partners.
  2. You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out in Schedule 1 (Streaming Service Terms) when subscribing to or using a Streaming Service.

Third Party Services

  1. Certain Third Party Services are available to subscribe to through your Hubbl Account. You acknowledge that the availability of Third Party Services to purchase via a Hubbl Account may change from time to time.
  2. When you add a Third Party Service to your Hubbl Account you agree to purchase your Third Party Service through your Hubbl Account, and we will commence charging you from sign up with us. You will need to complete a sign up or transfer process with the provider of the Third Party Service (Third Party) and, if applicable, accept the Third Party’s terms and conditions for use of the Third Party Service. It is your responsibility to comply with these terms and conditions. Where you have an existing account with the Third Party you may continue to be charged by that Third Party until you transfer your existing account to Hubbl.  If you have an existing account with a Third Party and are billed by another provider, you will need to cancel your Third Party Service with that other provider before you can transfer it to Hubbl.
  3. When you add a Third Party Service to your Hubbl Account, we will share your personal information including email address with the Third Party to assist in transferring or setting up your Third Party Service account.
  4. Hubbl has no control over the content and functionality available via a Third Party Service. You acknowledge and agree that Hubbl and its related bodies corporate, suppliers, agents and contractors are not responsible for the functionality and content (including advertising) available through a Third Party Service. Hubbl and its related bodies corporate, suppliers, agents and contractors shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred by you as the result of you using any Third Party Service.
  5. If you have any concerns relating to the content or functionality of a Third Party Service, you should contact the provider of the Third Party Service.

Fees and Charges

  1. Payment methods accepted by Hubbl may be updated from time to time and will be displayed at time of purchase.
  2. If using a credit card, the credit card account may be charged a small nominal amount to verify the card, but this verification charge will be reversed without you needing to take any further action. You may be charged a credit card fee and, if so, this will be displayed at the time of purchase.
  3. If your payment method cannot be charged for any reason (for example due to expiry of the credit card or insufficient funds) you authorise Hubbl to attempt to charge your payment method again and/or request that you provide another payment method. You remain responsible for any uncollected amounts.
  4. Our fees and charges include GST where applicable. Any GST payable is displayed on your invoice and if an item is exempt from GST it will be clearly marked.

Hubbl Stack and Save

  1. Selected streaming services (including certain Third Party Services made available through a Hubbl Account) may be considered part of “Stack and Save” as determined by Hubbl from time to time (each a Stack and Save App). Depending on the number of Stack and Save Apps you subscribe to, you may be eligible for a credit (Stack and Save Credit).
  2. Stack and Save Credits will be applied to your Hubbl Account and will be automatically used against selected charges billed to your Hubbl Account. The value of a Stack and Save Credit will be used in part or in full depending on the value of the charge it is being used against.
  3. If you are billed for a Streaming Service by a third party, your Stack and Save Credit will not be applied against charges for that Streaming Service billed by that third party.
  4. Stack and Save Credits are valid for 36 months from date of issue while you maintain an active Hubbl Account. If you deactivate or delete your Hubbl Account any available Stack and Save Credits will be forfeited.
  5. Stack and Save Credits are not transferrable and not redeemable for cash.

Other Credit, Gift Cards or Refunds

  1. If you are eligible for any other credit or refund, or you redeem an approved gift card, the credit will apply to your Hubbl Account and will be applied to the next billed purchase or charge by Hubbl.

Managing your subscriptions

  1. See Schedule 1 (Streaming Service Terms) for how to change a Plan of a Streaming Service.
  2. To manage Third Party Services purchased through your Hubbl Account, you must do so via your Hubbl Account.
  3. If you remove a Stack and Save App from your Hubbl Account, you may no longer be eligible for a Stack and Save Credit.


  1. We may from time to time offer special promotional offers or plans (each an Offer). Offer eligibility is determined by us in our sole discretion and we reserve the right to revoke an Offer in the event that we determine you are not eligible.
  2. We may use information such as mobile number, method of payment or an account email address used with an existing or recent Hubbl Account to determine Offer eligibility. The eligibility requirements and other limitations and conditions will be disclosed when you sign-up for the Offer or in other communications made available to you.

Suspension and cancellation

  1. See Schedule 1 (Streaming Service Terms) for how to cancel a Streaming Service.
  2. You may cancel your subscription with a Third Party Service through your Hubbl Account.
  3. When you cancel a Third Party Service through your Hubbl Account, if you had a previous billing relationship direct with the Third Party, your previous account with the Third Party may be automatically re-activated by that Third Party. To avoid further charges, you may need to contact that Third Party to cancel your subscription.
  4. You may delete your Hubbl Account by following the steps advised to you on our website or by contacting the Hubbl customer care team.
  5. We may cease providing you a Streaming Service or billing a Third Party Service at any time and we will provide you with reasonable notice except where the cancellation is due to your breach of these Terms or is in accordance with our rights under clause 39 below.
  6. Hubbl may cancel, suspend or restrict (i) your use of or access to a Streaming Service; (ii) billing of a Third Party Service; (iii) access to Stack and Save entitlements; or (iv) your use of or access to a Hubbl Account in the following circumstances:
    1. where necessary for technical or operational reasons;
    2. where we reasonably believe your Streaming Service, the Third Party Service we are billing you for, or your Hubbl Account is unsecure or is being used in breach of these Terms or is inconsistent with the requirements of our content providers or licensors, including any violation of the limited licences granted to you under these Terms;
    3. if any payments owed to us have not been paid by the due date;
    4. if you breach these Terms and if the breach is able to be remedied, you do not remedy the breach within a reasonable period of receiving notice from us requiring you to do so;
    5. if we consider on reasonable grounds that you, or someone else using your Hubbl Account, have committed or may be committing any fraudulent activity against us or against any other person or organisation through your or their use of your Hubbl Account or a Streaming Service;
    6. we believe on reasonable grounds that you have caused genuine distress to, or have exhibited inappropriate behaviour towards any of our employees, agents or contractors, including but not limited to behaviour that is harassing, indecent, abusive and/or offensive;
    7. we believe on reasonable grounds that you have made multiple complaints without a reasonable basis for doing so and you continue to make such complaints after we have made reasonable efforts to notify you to stop; or
    8. where we are required to do so by law or to comply with (or manage our compliance with) a notice, order, direction or request of a regulator, one of our content or technology suppliers or an emergency services organisation.


  1. You will be responsible for all actions and omissions of any person who uses your Hubbl Account, or a Streaming Service you subscribe to.
  2. Nothing in these Terms excludes, restricts or modifies any rights that you have under existing laws or regulations and codes, including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and fair trading laws. The services provided to you under these Terms come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law set out in Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). For major failures, you are entitled:
  • to cancel your service contract with us; and
  • to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value.

You are also entitled to be compensated for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. If the failure does not amount to a major failure you are entitled to have problems with the service rectified in a reasonable time and, if this is not done, to cancel your contract and obtain a refund for the unused portion of the contract.

  1. Apart from any rights you have that cannot be lawfully excluded, we do not make any promises or assurances to you about a Streaming Service, your Hubbl Account and/or these Terms. To the maximum extent permitted by law, all other terms, conditions and warranties, whether express or implied by legislation or the common law or otherwise relating to the provision by us of a Streaming Service, your Hubbl Account or otherwise in connection with these Terms, are expressly excluded.
  2. Where permitted under local law, including the Australian Consumer Law, the liability of Hubbl, its related bodies corporate, suppliers, agents and contractors for any breach of a term or condition under these Terms or implied by law is limited at Hubbl’s discretion, to the supply of any service again or the payment of the cost of having any service supplied again. However, Hubbl cannot limit its liability in this manner if you establish that it would not be fair or reasonable for Hubbl to do so, or where such liability arises from Hubbl’s gross negligence, wilful misconduct and/or fraud.
  3. Except where we have breached any of your rights under the Australian Consumer Law or any other applicable legislation which cannot be lawfully excluded or limited, we are not responsible in any way for any indirect or consequential loss that arises out of or in connection with these Terms, your Hubbl Account or a Streaming Service.
  4. Hubbl does not undertake to keep the Streaming Services up-to-date and is not liable to you or any other person for any loss or disappointment suffered if a Streaming Service or content within it is not available or the content is incorrect, incomplete or not up-to-date. You must make your own assessment of it and rely on it wholly at your own risk.
  5. In addition to any rights against you that we may have under these Terms, you will be liable to Hubbl and must keep us, Hubbl’s related bodies corporate, suppliers, agents and contractors indemnified against any loss, cost, expenses, damage or other liability (including legal costs on a solicitor/client basis) arising out of any claim or demand against us by you or any person other than you, which arises from or is connected with our supply or removal of your Hubbl Account or a Streaming Service to you or your use of your Hubbl Account or a Hubbl Streaming Service, unless and to the extent that any loss, cost, expense, damage or other liability is caused by or contributed to by our, our related bodies’ corporate, suppliers’, agents’ or contractors’ wilful default, negligence or breach of these Terms or any law.
  6. You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless Hubbl and its related bodies corporate, suppliers, agents and contractors against any and all liabilities, claims (actual, threatened or potential), loss (including consequential loss) and damage incurred in connection with and arising from your use of or access to your Hubbl Account or a Streaming Service in breach of these Terms. This indemnity will survive these Terms and your use of your Hubbl Account and/or the Streaming Services.

Privacy and Data

  1. By entering into these Terms, you consent to us collecting, using and disclosing your Personal Information on the terms of these Terms and our Privacy Policy and Privacy Notice.

Notices and Revisions

  1. If we give you any notice that is required under these Terms, we may give it to you by electronic communication, through your Hubbl Account, via the Hubbl website, via a Streaming Service website or via a Streaming Service that you subscribe to.
  2. You must provide us with accurate, true and correct contact details and you must keep this information up to date. Please ensure you notify us of any changes to your information by updating your contact information on your Hubbl Account.


  1. We can transfer any of our rights and obligations under these Terms to any third party, provided such transfer does not detrimentally affect your rights under these Terms.
  2. All or any part of any term of these Terms that is found to be unfair or unenforceable will be treated as deleted and the remainder of the terms will continue to govern each of our respective obligations going forward.
  3. Your use of the services and these Terms is governed by the laws in force in New South Wales, Australia. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts exercising jurisdiction in New South Wales, Australia.




  1. You can access the content within a Streaming Service from Australia only. You acknowledge and agree that you are not entitled to access or view the content within a Streaming Service from anywhere outside of Australia.


Plans, Data Use, and Devices

  1. We may offer a selection of different tiers or plans for a Streaming Service (each, a Plan) or one-off event or program purchases (live or on demand) (TVOD). Such Plans or TVOD may include different features, content or certain restrictions or limitations.  These differences will be disclosed to you when you select a Plan or TVOD, or in other communications with you. Some Plans and/or TVOD are offered by third party retailers in conjunction with their own products or services and may be subject to your agreement with such third party retailers’ separate terms and conditions.  We are not responsible for the provision of those products and services by such third parties.


  1. You are responsible for all costs arising from the use of a Streaming Service including, without limitation, all subscription, browsing/data charges and internet costs. Please contact your internet service provider or carrier network provider about these costs.


  1. You must ensure, before you use a Streaming Service, that your internet connection speed is appropriate for streaming audio-visual content and that your personal computer, tablet, mobile devices, operating system and any other associated connected equipment or property are compatible and satisfy all other technical requirements as set out at the help site of the relevant Streaming Service. Hubbl streaming software may vary by device and medium, and functionalities and features of a Streaming Service may also differ between devices.


  1. The number of concurrent streams you can use across your devices to view a Streaming Service at any one time (Concurrent Streams) will depend on your Plan or TVOD entitlement. You cannot use more than the stated number of Concurrent Streams.


  1. A Streaming Service (or a particular Plan or TVOD entitlement) may implement a limit on the number of devices that may be registered to your account at any one time. Hubbl may monitor the number of registered devices in order to prevent account sharing.


Subscriptions and Payment


  1. When you subscribe to a Streaming Service, you purchase a Plan for a specified subscription period displayed at the time of purchase (Subscription Period). You may do this via your Hubbl Account, or through a Streaming Service website or application or via our approved third party retailers.


  1. The price for each Plan will be displayed at the time of purchase. You may receive offers or discounts from us or our approved third party retailers from time to time and the terms of these offers or discounts will be displayed at the time of purchase.


  1. Unless you cancel your Plan before the end of the Subscription Period, you authorise us to charge to your registered payment method in your Hubbl Account the subscription fee for the Streaming Service in advance of each Subscription Period. If you choose to pay via a third party biller, this fee will be charged by that third party biller.

TVOD and Payment

  1. From time to time, we may make TVOD available to purchase for a one-off fee.
  2. To view TVOD, you will be required to pay a one-off fee which will be displayed at the time of purchase (TVOD Fee). The TVOD Fee will be charged immediately upon completion of your TVOD sign up.


  1. We may withdraw TVOD content from time to time and if we do so prior to your consumption, we will provide you a refund. We may cancel your TVOD access due to your breach of these Terms, and, where we do so, we are under no obligation to provide any refund or notice to you.

Free Access Services

  1. From time to time, we may make a Plan, or content on a Streaming Service, available on a free basis (Free Access Service/s). You may be required to register for a Free Access Service via a particular website.  Your use of a Free Access Service is subject to these terms and conditions.


  1. To be eligible to access a Free Access Service you must be at least 18 years old, located in Australia, and you must register or hold a Hubbl Account.

Third Party Billing of our Plans

  1. If you elect to be billed for your Plan or TVOD entitlement via one of our approved third party billers, your fee will be charged by that third party and may be subject to additional third billing party terms which will be notified to you by the third party biller.


Auto-renewal and Cancellation of Plans


  1. Your Plan will automatically renew at the end of each Subscription Period for a further Subscription Period, unless you cancel your Plan. You may cancel your Plan through your Hubbl Account at any time prior to your renewal date, or as otherwise specified by us or one of our third party billing partners. For Plans purchased through Apple marketplaces you must cancel through your Apple account at least 24 hours prior to your renewal date. If you do not cancel by the relevant time we will automatically renew your membership and your nominated account/credit card will be charged for the next Subscription Period.


  1. Cancellation of your auto-renewal will only be effective at the end of the current Subscription Period and you will continue to have access to the relevant Streaming Service until the end of the relevant Subscription Period. No pro-rata refunds will be provided to customers that cancel during a Subscription Period.  For Plans purchased through Apple marketplaces, you can also find out more about managing auto-renewing subscriptions here:


Managing your Plan


  1. If you wish to change your Plan, you can manage your Plan through your Hubbl Account or, where available, via our approved third party retailers and/or billing partners.


  1. If you upgrade during your current Subscription Period, the upgrade will take effect immediately and the new fee will be applied pro-rata for the remainder of the Subscription Period. The full fee for your new Plan will be charged in advance at the start of your next Subscription Period.  If you downgrade your subscription, the downgrade will take effect at the end of your current Subscription Period and no pro-rata refunds will be provided. You will be charged your new subscription fee at the start of your next Subscription Period.


Free Trials/Promotions


  1. We may offer free trial periods of our Plans from time to time. During a free trial period, you will not be required to pay any subscription fee for the relevant Plan.  You may cancel your free trial subscription prior to the expiry of the free trial period.   If you do not cancel your free trial subscription, you will be charged the fee in accordance with the Plan that you selected during your initial registration for the free trial.


  1. We may also offer other promotional discounts or benefits (Promotion). We reserve the right to offer, withdraw, change, cancel or determine your eligibility for any Promotion or free trial in our discretion for the purposes of preventing abuse of the Promotion or free trial. Promotions and free trials may be subject to terms and conditions which shall apply in addition to, and prevail to the extent of any inconsistency with, these Terms.


Permitted Uses


  1. You must follow our reasonable instructions about how you use the Streaming Services. You must not use a Streaming Service for any improper or unlawful purpose and you must not allow anyone else to do the same.


  1. You must not circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Streaming Service or any features which prevent or restrict the use, distribution or copying of a Streaming Service or any content within a Streaming Service. You must not alter or modify the content or Streaming Service in any way.


  1. You can only view a Streaming Service content for personal, non-commercial purposes and you must not permit the Streaming Service to be viewed in public areas of commercial premises.


  1. You are not permitted to copy, record, reproduce, republish, post, broadcast, upload, communicate or make any of the content of a Streaming Service available to any other person or authorise or assist anyone else to do so.


  1. You must not permit another person (other than a member of your household) to use your Streaming Service.


User Generated Material


  1. You are responsible for any content (including text, audio, video and photographs) that you post and/or upload onto a Streaming Service or in respect of which you communicate with other users on a Streaming Service (User Generated Material). You must not post, upload, communicate or otherwise make available User Generated Material: (i) which is (or could reasonably be expected to be) unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane or indecent, including without limitation transmissions constituting or encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable law; (ii) which is (or could reasonably be expected to be) cyber-bullying material targeted at an Australian child; cyber-abuse material targeted at an Australian adult; a non-consensual intimate image of a person; class 1 material (as defined in the Online Safety Act 2021 (Cth)); class 2 material (as defined in the Online Safety Act 2021 (Cth)); material that promotes abhorrent violent conduct; material that incites abhorrent violent conduct; material that instructs in abhorrent violent conduct; or material that depicts abhorrent violent conduct; (iii) which is not your original work, or which violates or infringes (or could reasonably be expected to violate or infringe) the rights of any other person, including material which is protected by copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property rights; (iv) which you know (or reasonably ought to know) to be false, misleading or deceptive; v. which contains a virus or other harmful component; (vi) for commercial purposes or which contains any promotional material or advertising; vii. which is an invasion of any privacy or publicity rights; (viii) which racially or religiously vilifies, incites violence or hatred, or is likely to offend, insult or humiliate others based on gender, age, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any physical or mental disability; (ix) which harms minors in any way; or (x) in a way that impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with a person or entity.


  1. Hubbl assumes no responsibility for monitoring a Streaming Service for inappropriate User Generated Material. If at any time Hubbl elects, in its sole discretion, to monitor User Generated Material on a Streaming Service, Hubbl nonetheless assume no responsibility for any User Generated Material and no obligation to modify or remove any inappropriate User Generated Material. Hubbl may reject, refuse to post or delete any User Generated Material for any or no reason.


  1. Hubbl makes no warranties or representation and accepts no liability in relation to any User Generated Material including its content, adequacy, completeness or accuracy.


  1. You grant to Hubbl, its assignees and authorised nominees a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, transferable and royalty free licence to use, publish, display, modify, perform, adapt, communicate, reproduce, exploit, exhibit and in all media throughout the world any User Generated Material posted, uploaded, communicated or otherwise made available by you via a Streaming Service.


  1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you unconditionally and irrevocably consent, and will obtain all other necessary unconditional and irrevocable written consents from any persons involved in producing any User Generated Material, to any act or omission that would otherwise infringe any moral rights in any User Generated Material which is posted, uploaded, communicated or otherwise made available by you via a Streaming Service; and waive, and will obtain all other necessary unconditional and irrevocable written waivers of, all moral rights.

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Copyright, trade marks and intellectual property rights in all material, content or software supplied as part of a Streaming Service, other than User Generated Material (defined above), are owned by Hubbl or where applicable its licensors, content partners or advertisers, and users obtain no interest in those rights. We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable limited licence to use such rights for your personal use of a Streaming Service only, in accordance with these Terms.


  1. Except for the foregoing limited license, no right, title or interest in any material, content or software supplied as part of a Streaming Service shall be deemed transferred to you, and there shall be only a limited licence and not a sale with respect to any material, content or software supplied as part of a Streaming Service.


  1. All content on a Streaming Service is protected by Australian and international copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not do anything which interferes with or breaches those laws or intellectual property rights in the content of the Streaming Service.


  1. You will not, and you will not assist, facilitate or authorise any third party to:
    1. copy, transfer, publish, rent, reproduce, record, upload, communicate, frame, reverse engineer, decrypt, decompile, disassemble, alter or commercially exploit a Streaming Service or any material or content you obtain from a Streaming Service;
    2. sell or make any charge for watching or using any part of a Streaming Service; or
    3. show any part of a Streaming Service in public or to an audience, even if no charge is made.


  1. Content owners (including Hubbl) use content access technologies to protect their intellectual property, including copyrighted content. If the access technology fails to protect the content, content owners may require Hubbl to restrict or prevent the delivery of protected content to specified devices or software applications.  In certain cases, you may be required to upgrade the content access technology to continue to access the Streaming Service.  If you decline such an upgrade, you will not be able to access content that requires the upgrade.


  1. The Streaming Services contain technology subject to certain intellectual property rights of the copyright owner of the relevant technology. Use or distribution of this technology outside of a Streaming Service is prohibited without the appropriate license from Hubbl and any applicable owner of the intellectual property rights.


  1. When you use a Streaming Service, you accept full responsibility for reviewing all classification information supplied for each piece of content for the purpose of informing, and where appropriate safeguarding, other viewers of the content. Where you allow children or young people to view content via a Streaming Service, you are responsible for making sure that the content is suitable for them.
  2. When you set up your Hubbl Account and subscribe to a Streaming Service, you are applying to access restricted content and you must provide a declaration that you are over 18 years of age in order to access such restricted content. You are responsible for ensuring that only persons over 15 years of age are authorised to view MA15+ content on the Streaming Service.

Promotion and Advertising

  1. Your dealings with, or participation in promotions by, any third party advertisers on or through a Streaming Service are solely between you and such third party. You agree that we shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred by you as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such third parties on a Streaming Service.

Online Safety

  1. The Streaming Services may contain material that is not suitable for children. Parents can help keep their children safe online in a number of ways: (1) keep the viewing device in a public area of your home; (2) educate children about the dangers of providing personal information to anyone online; and (3) visit the eSafety Commissioner’s website at for more tips on staying safe online. Guidance on making a complaint to eSafety can be found here: How to report abuse or content to eSafety | eSafety Commissioner.